Sunday, June 22, 2008


Welcome Students!

This is the first post of the Writing 400 (Summer 2008). 

I would like to welcome all the students to the Writing 400 course! Hopefully, we will have a wonderful quarter together. Please make sure to read this Blog regularly, and please feel free to leave comments on any of the posts!

Best wishes for a great quarter! 


Yacenia said...

Hello: my name is Yacenia

Yacenia said...

Name: Yacenia Morillo
Class: 441

Hello, How you are?

Yacenia said...

I think that this class is in a small town close the city, this class is especif for women. This class look forward teach to the women of low resources differents things that they need to know, because of that they could not go to the school.

I see that the people in this classroom is too interest in study, althought they are a little old. But I think is better late that never.

If I am in this classroom I am thinking in the class, in to learn that the teacher try to comunicate to me, and the most important is to put in practice new knowdeleg to improvement my nivel of life.

KOON (",) said...

Hi !!! My name is Koon
Class 442
Glad to meet U !!!