Thursday, July 31, 2008

For funny guy, Young HaHaHaHaHa~

By NICOLE (Wu, Szu Yu) (442)

Dear Young Ha Kim,

Thank you for your coming, i think that everyday is very happy because of you .

In fact , i thought you are a shy guy and did not want to talk with any person. We cherish everyday which with you ,and we hope you can still be very funny after you go to Korea....
Thank you for your company in the lab, you always studied hard.I am glad to be your classmate,and so does Lan.
Thank you for your chatting with Avy. Because of your conversation,i found a lot of happiness.
Thank you for your company on evening class, it made Lin and me so so so funny.
Thank you for becoming my classmate.
Thank you for you go back to Korea, it makes us to miss you .
Thank you for your gift.
Thank you for your praise saying me that i am lovely .
Thank you for your blessing.
Thank you for your post on Reza's blog, it makes me so sad.
Too much thank you i want to tell you . But just six weeks , i can't find too much your advantages.However,you are a work hard student, i think that you will be successful in the future. And when you go back to your home,please remember Lan and me who send you a big compose,also your classmates.

About Youg Ha

By Yu Lan (442)

I am so happy to make friend with all the classmates,I really like 442!but now Young ha have to leave. When I saw Young Ha at first, I though he is tall and shy, but after getting well with him, I thought he is funny and cute.He always smile and friendly to all the classmates.Sometimes,he will say some homouous words to make all the people laught.He really let us very happy,and he is a kind person.

Maybe we will see young ha again in the future.We will miss you !Don't forget us.

Spelling Not Important?!

Hi Everybody!
Abdullah Al-Suwaidi (from Writing 442 class) sent this to me, so I'm posting it for your enjoyment!

What The ... ?!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

To My Wonderful Friends

By Masaya Fukumoto (441)

In America, I learned many things. Everything I watched and experienced is my first time and valuable. Also, I met the people that they came from several countries.

In my class, I met wonderful guys!! They are very funny and little crazy. During the class, some people always say jokes and everyone is laughing. I love it. Actually, I don't want to come back Japan. Because, I want talk with my classmates more.
I miss them. I know it is difficult to see them again. I hope we meet somewhere again.

Now, I'll talk about my plan. When I am back in Japan, I'll graduate from my university. I want to be the teacher like Reza. I'm serious. Not kidding. Also, I want to travel in all around the world. You may meet me in the other countries. If you come to Japan, just call me.

I love you. See you guys!!


I Will Miss You!

By Young Ha Kim (442)

Actually, at first, I thought I shoud just study hard and proposed that. But, I couldn't do that because I like my classmates and teachers too much. Nowadays I couldn't sleep well because of YOU. I'm really so sad and gloomy even I can keep in touch with you. I have had friends of korean, however, I am really like you. Very kind, humorous and good you are! Whether you believe or not, I will not forget about you. Although I will begone, I am convinced that you will make success of your study and business. Good Luck!

Anyway, I have had many after classes. Also, thier teachers are too much good and nice, too (but, our teachers are better). So, I can practice and learn many things. Just I felt something wanting because you didn't come here. However, Nicole and lin had togher with me in evening classes. So, we could have a nice time. Actually, UCR-Extension make me cost expensive money but they give me really good experiences and friends.

When I go home, I'll get some part time job and meet my friends. Also, I hope read some novels and study someting. Then, after three weeks later, I will have sitted in classroom in my university. However, above all, I really want to mail to YOU, so send me a letter!

And I believe We Will Meet Again.

Your sincerely,
Kim, Young ha 김영하 金永河

Bye my dear friends!

By HENRY (Zhang, Han Lin) (441)

First of all I've to say "I have not got drunk!"Haha, I've just finished our dear MOMO's birthday party at Phil's room! I thought we realy had a good time so that I would not forget! All right my dear frient I it is time to say "So long and take care"! Because I'm leaving ... I'll miss you all!

So let me tell you my plan about my life in America.

As you know I'll go to University of Toledo in Ohio. And I'll learn accouning as my major. However I do not like it. So after 2 years basic classes there. I wish to transfer to Chicago and study management or TESOL also in 2 years. After that I plan to look for a job after graduated from school. At the same time I'll continue to learn MBA in another 2 years. After that I think I probable go back to my mother land China and start my own career. So I plan to stay in America at least 8 yaers !

All right if anyone who wants to visit me in the future, I'd like to treat you all my friends! And when I go back to China the door of my house still open to you!

Bye my dear friends! Have a wonderful life! All the best !

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Hometown

By Beatriz Portillo (441)

I want to talk about the place where I live. It's named Rocky Point, in Mexico. It's 7hrs far from Riverside. I live one block in front of the beach. People from Arizona use to go so usually there because its so beautiful, calm and too close. It is also a new Mexico project, so if you guys have money to make invests, its a very good business opportunity. If you guys will know this place, please visit Sonoran Sky Ressorts. It's the building that I already finished this year. You will love it!

Love in the Time of Cholera

By Yacenia Morillo Coronado (441)

Hello guys, I would like to share with you a novel that I read. Love in the Time of Cholera, a novel written by Nobel Prize winning Gabriel García Márquez.

The novel is about the story of Florentino Ariza, who is able to wait 51 years, 9 months and four days the love of his life Fermina Daza. The story developments in the Caribbean coast Colombian, during the time in that the region prevalence the hungry and several civil wars. In addition, the city is attacked for the epidemic of cholera and the “symptoms of love are confused with this disease”.

Florentino and Fermina fall in love deeply. He is very persistent, to write her constantly, to send her flowers all the days, to give her serenades, to speak her poetically of love. But, the Fermina’s father tries to keep them apart. For this reason, he sends her for long time to the house of some relatives in other village. However, they continue writing for telegraph. Over the time and the years, she returns to house. She discovers the Florentino’s love is a simple illusion and that he isn’t the ideal man.

Years pass, and the well Known Dr. Urbino treats Fermina for a case of cholera. They begin to leave and months later they married. In spite of this, Florentino decides to wait her.

Florentino, on the brink of suicide, is sent for her mother to work to Caqueta. In this trip he discovers his sexuality, but he wants to keep his virginity intact for Fermina. However he begins to have adventures with several women, but without forget to Fermina. Time pass, and this surprised them being elderly. On the Juvenal’s death, and after of five decades to wait, Florentino goes to Fermina’s house, because he wants to declare her his unconditional love. They begin a renewed and mature friendship, until Florentino to invite her to a trip by boat, where they to decide spend the rest of their lives.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The happiest birthday of my life

By Yasuhiro Hieda (442)

My birthday is July 10th! I'm 21 years old now. I can do anything in the U.S. I'm f**ken happy. Also, I had the most happiest birthday of my life. Many people celebrated my birthday with me. I drank to celebrate with my friends on the day of July 10th. We drank a glass of vodka. It was the first time in America that I drank alcohol.

The next day, my friends threw a pizza party for me. We had to get the pizzas at the gate of Iowa apartments from the delivery guy. Then the pizza guy asked my American friend "Are you Japanese?" and he said "No," and then the delivery guy said to him, "Are you Chinese?" "No way!" my friend said. I've never thought so. He is definitely American and Mexican. It was a very funny story. We laughed so much about this. The pizza guy was funny and crazy.

Next day, my older friend made oyakodonburi for me. Oyakodonburi is a Japanese traditional dish, so I felt homesick for Japan. After that day, my extension friends prepared a birthday party for me. We drank too much, so my friends threw up. Of course, I did too. Also, I got presents from my friends. I'll keep treasuring these presents.

Everyone!! Thank you so much!! I'm f**ken happy! The best thing to have is great friends. It is enough to just spend great times with my friends. I appreciate them very much.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Food: What to Eat?

By Chia-Hui, Lin (442)

Ha~ I have no idea of what to write, but I think whatever we do, we all need to eat food every day. The American food is different from Chinese food. So I use the food for my subject.

At the beginning of the whole day, we need to eat breakfast to give us power. Everyone has their choices. Someone like sandwiches, others maybe order salad for their breakfast. Still others opt for sausage and coffee.

When I was here on the first day, I couldn’t adopt the food. In our country, we have many choices of breakfast, and we prefer to eat the hot food. However, here I don’t have many choices of my breakfast. It also offers the hot food, but there are just fries or sausage…etc. And the beverages come in Cola, coffee, or vitamin drinks … etc. On the other hand, we would choose the milk tea and soybean milk for our beverages which accompany breakfast.

Concerning the lunch and supper, our staple food is rice or noodle. There must be three or four entrees and soup for a special. If you want to drink some things, you must to buy outside. In Taiwan, We don’t like drink soft drink, we prefer the ice tea. There are many stores and many kinds of beverages to choose. And we don’t need to tip the waiter. By the way, we use the chopsticks to pick up our food and put them into our mouth.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rewrite the Story!

Attention ALL Writing 400 students!

Below is a story by Echo. You must develop the story and rewrite it. The best three stories will win three great prizes!

Best of luck!

Story by Echo (441)

I already read it last quarter in the textbook .
But , I was excited about this story , so I want to tell you .
In this story , someone went to rock mountain far from the village .
He drove his car and stopped .
After he walked alone to the mountain , he started climbing the mountain .
Suddenly , he dropped before he didn't move .
Because a huge rock held his right arm .
Finally , he cut his arm at his elbow .
I was surprised when I read this story .
He is still alive .
He chose to cut his arm off .
In addition , he was in the bab condition , but he chose the best way!
If I were him , I would be shocked too much and cry all day .
I was impressed by him very much .

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Real Life, Movie Life

By KAFKA (441)

There are differences between movie life and real life.

Usually People who like movies want to live like movies, but that's really difficult to live like movie to non-sentimental people because real is not actually romantic, sentimental, and doesn't have any special effects and music like movie.

For example, one of romantic movies would show scenes about meeting at the airport. The boy and girl friend, Lovers couldn't meet for a long time because her boy friend had some problem, so his girl friend was really exited. When she was meeting him face to face, beautiful music was played and everything was became slowly for romantic, sentimental and remaining beautiful mind. And then they hugged. How wonderful situation is!

On the other hand, real is not exiting like that situation. When My first love was leaving to Bolivia, I felt embarrassed because I thought separation is sad. But, before she entered into gate to take an airplane, we also hugged. In my case, There were no music and effects like slow motion. There were only noise and people crowded.

The time was really fast. i wasn't able to have enough time to say good bye and feel sad like movies, when she entered the gate. She disappeared. At that time, I couldn't believe it. That's boring ending. I noticed real is not warm, and that's so cold. Real life is not Movie!

However, I didn't want to feel that it's really boring and not sentimental. That's why i made something in my Heart. In my heart, I played my sad music and tried to feel so sad. and then I felt something sad in my situation. everything was became slowly by myself like movie scenes. At that time, I became one of movie director. It was really beautiful and sad time.

Even thought Movie and real life are really different, but we can change our real life to movie life. it's not difficult. Just let's feel themselves that something happened naturally in our dry life.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Last Weekend

By Chiaki Goto (441)

Last friday we didn't have school, so my weekend was of course buzy.

After school, I went to my friend's house at IV to party. I drank just a little bit of alcohol because I had a plan on friday to go to Magic Mountain with my friends. The party was really fun so I went to bed at 2:30 a.m.

I woke up at 7:00 a.m. I was already tired when I arrived at Magic Mountain. I almost cried because Magic Mountain looks really scary. I said "I miss Riverside" all the time. First, we rode X2, the newest roller coaster. It is the scariest roller coaster I have ever experienced so far. And then we rode many other roller coasters. It was fun at Magic Mountain.

On saturday, at my friend's birthday party I drank a lot of tequila. In fact, my low tolerance for alcohol made me too drank. Most of my friends were throwing up, making the restroom really crowded. I had a great time.

[Reza's Note: Drinking too much and throwing up may cause a severe decrease in your grades!]

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where On Earth ... ?

Hi Everybody!

How do you like the new picture at the top of the blog?

Can you guess where this is?
What would you do if you were in this place?
Who would you take with you to this place?
What kind of music would you listen to if you were there?
Or would you rather listen to the silence?

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

My First Three Weeks Here

By Yu Lan (442)

I have been in American for three weeks now, before I came here, I had many imagine about what was American like. But after I came, I found so different with my imagine. Here is a very quiet place to live, it's make me relax and comfortable.

I have only 4 classes one day, is too less than China. The classmates are very friendly, and teachers are both very good. Sometimes I don't understand what the teacher say in class, so I must study English hard. After class, I always talk to may Chinese friend and play card, It's make us very happy. After all, we are from the same place, and we have same subject of a talk. Talk with the other countries student in English is hard for me at first, but I will try my best to do it, bacause this is my purpose to come here.

The transportation in here is not convenient, it's not easy to go here and there, so I feel gloomy. Sometime I think whether I need buy a car, but I don't konw how to drive and have no time to learn it. I really don't like always stay at dormitory, it's boring. When I stay at dormitory alone, I will imagine if I'm being in China, I can do anything I want, but I'm in American now. At that time, I will miss my country and parents so much.

I hope I can dapt to American life soon and learn to independent!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Disneyland Trip on Independence Day

By JAY (Cheng, Jie Yeh) (442)

I was sign-up a Disneyland trip of UCR Extension exercise on Independence Day, it was very exciting because this is my first time trip in America. But I lost my friend when I just bought a cap in a store, which is the reason why I went to Disneyland with myself.

Disneyland is a large place located in Los Angeles; there are many rides, cartoon houses, festooned vehicles and stores. Many kid there because it looks like children's paradise. Although just only one, I went to anywhere that I wanted to go. First, I went to play Space Mountain, it likes a roller coaster running in a dark tunnel, and many light point shots on the roof let me feel I am in space, it's very excited. Secondary, I went to Mickey’s Toontown and take the Roger Rabbit’s car, it is a spin train in the house, and it’s very funny. Third, I went to take Mark Twain Riverboat to navigating the river, it is a very large boat, I think maybe it can carry more than two hundred peoples in the same time, and I was taking many photos in this boat. Fourth, I went to take the Disneyland Railroad, it running a circle of whole Disneyland and there are four station distributions, everybody can get on and get off in any station.

About walking around a circle in Disneyland, I back to Main Street, I saw many people there to looking festooned vehicles, and I took many photos again. When I went to the Fantasyland, I was happing, because I met two Taiwanese girl whom I met in school register day, I went to say hello to them, but they seems didn’t know me and went away, OK, that’s go with myself again. Because today is Independence Day, they have a Firework at 9:25 PM so I have one and half hour free time, I went to Disneyland Monorail, It looks like an overhead railway and I didn’t know where the next station of this train is so I asked a steward, he say a lot to me, but I always unknown his mean, just heard 'If you have ticket, you can go back', OK, that’s go, because I have ticket.

When I get off the train, I was very worrying because I don’t know where I am. I lost my friends and lost my way, I asked another steward again, she say you must wait more than 30 minutes to take this train, she suggest everyone who want to take this train to give up and just walk to that direction. The sign tell me I was in Disney Downtown, where the here? How far from here to Disneyland? Firework will begin after one hour later, I must back as soon as possible, but I think take photo is very important things, so I took many photo in Disney Downtown, after ten minutes walking, I saw a familiar place 'Security Check', Oh.. God bless me, I back to Disneyland, actually, Disney Downtown just beside the Disneyland.

Many people came to Disneyland in Independence Day, so I can’t find a good position to watch the Firework, Finally, I watch Firework behind a ride (Astro Orbitor) and my sight just a half, but it still beautiful. After the end of Firework, I went home, End of my unforgettable trip, it’s a nice day in Disneyland.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Olympic Games Coming Soon

By SHIRLEY (Wang, Xin Xiing) (441)

Today is july 9th. In one month, the most important day will be come ---The olympic games will begain at beijing.As a chinese girl,I am very pround of china.Olympic Games is window,That a good opportunity for china to show chinese cultur and spirt of olympic games to the world.

Beijing have spend 20 billion U.S. dollars to refurbish the beijing infrastructure. So Bejing changed more beautiful then before.In china,mang people have prepared for olympic games.In the morning,we can see mang children and old peopole do exercises in the park.In the univerdity,we can see mang students show the olympic games knowladge to foreign friends.In the street,we can see mang different words to encourage olympic games ,for example"ONE WORLD ,ONE matter you walk to where,you always see mang people do something for beijing.That is a beautiful sence to the world.

I have been to there abourt 20days.I have mang things to learn in I must to stay there for my study.That is a pity for me.I can't come back to china.But I think I alway stay with my country.In USA ,I also can do something for china.I will show mang olympic games konwage to my foreign classmates. I will encourage chinese sporter in their match......

I hope china would beacome more prowerful.I hope beijing olympic games beacome more interesting.
I love china.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Fourth of July Weekend

By SOPHIA (Ham, Jihae) (442)

Last weekend was Independence Day, so we didn't have a school on friday. On Thursday night, I went to my friend, New's birthday party in IV. we had a good time. We were talking, drinking, took some pictures and sang birthday song for New. There were almost 10 people. It was very fun.

On friday was Independent Day, so I went to shopping with my korean friends. I bought some clothes and chooses. I met my friends in there.They were shopping too because Independet day was very cheep. And then, we went to my friend home to eat some korean food. But I don't know that name, it was pork and Kimch something ;(

And we went to extention 4 floor to see fire work. It was very beautiful. I felt was in Japan because it was first time
to see fire work in America. when I was in Japan, I went to big fire work many times, so I felt like in Japan.

On Saturday, I and my friends went to LA. First we went to little tokyo to ate Ramen. Ramen is Japanese noodle, but not instant food. It was very good. And we went to santamonica beach to drop off Chiaki and Haruka. They wanted to shopping in there, so we drop off them, and then we went to little tokyo again because I have to go to Karaoke to practice singing. I have some audition this Saturday, but I got a sick so my voice was crazy, so I couldn't do practice well.

So I felt was not good ... and then we ate korean BBQ. Store name is Mok Gill (I don't know korean spelling) there had a lot of people, so we wait couple times and then ate good food. I was very very tired ;(

it's my last weekend ... I want to go to beach next week.

Some Problem

By DENNIS (An, Sung Won) (441)

In these days, I have a problem, and I'm interested in this problem that Won, Korean currency, is getting weaker against other currency, because i'm here in US. Especially, Won is getting weaker against Dollar. American people are worried about Dollar's weakness, but Korea also is worried about Won's weakness.

This is strange because Won is weak against Dollar despite of dollar's weakness all over the world. I don't why. So I read an article that is connected with Excange Rate. But there was a bad nows in the article. The news said that value of Won might be falling continously, becase Oil price is going up endlessly, stock index is also falling. It is also another reason that economy crisis of US.

Now, I don't know what should I do ... Whether I draw my money from the bank or not. I have to save the money because my parents suppot me. Now I'm waiting for falling the excahnge rate and I hope that exchange rate falls.

Monday, July 7, 2008

That's Why I'm Here Now

By Kobayashi Junko (441)

I stay here, Riverside after an interval of ten years. When I was a junior college student, I've stayed in Riverside at homestay program. This program was very short term, but I had a great experiences. Now, I came here to study English again, because I want to be a English teacher for Japanese kids.

Actually, I qualified myself as elementary school English teaching license. But, my English skill is poor. I wish I could speak English well. For that reason, I'm in here now. My teacher said to me, "Practice! practice! practice!"

Absolutely Yes!

This class is very tough for me ... But,I will make a convulsive effort.

Please be nice to each other :-)

About My Classmates

By NICOLE (Wu, Szu-Yu) (442)

First class i knew there are four people come from Taiwan.I was very glad because i am Taiwanese. Chen, Lin, Jay and me are all Taiwanese. Sophia and Yasu come from JP. Lan is a Chinese. Koon come from Tai Lan. A Korean but i forgot his name, i just remember his Chinese name (金永河) and a new classmate Abdulla.

Since i went to class 44, I felt everyone are very quiet except Yasu. But after one week, in my opinion, Lan is a very cute girl,she loves to use the accent of China to talk to me.Sophia is a very pretty girl and she has a wonderful shape. Koon is very shy and his face looks like a cartoon character. Chen is a very very famous person. Lin is very kind because he bought a cup of coffee for me yesterday afternoon. Jay is very funny but he likes to say hello to a lot of girls. The boy who comes from Korea, he is very funny, and all we think he is very special. He likes to ask teachers lots of questions and when he talk to Lan, he always says Lan is stupid. i don't know what they are doing ... I think Nicole is a good name. Yasu is very special, he is very likes Japanese boy, he likes shopping. I think it is very cool. and he likes to wear the hat all the time, but his hairstyle is so cool, too.
the new classmate, I just say good morning to him, because he just come to our class for two days.

And how about our teacher Reza ? Reza's shape is not fat , he is very thin and so funny . In my class , we don't have a lot of groups, because our class is a very big group. I like all my friends and hope they like me too. And then, I wish all my classmates ... Everyday always have a very nice day.....!!

My Fourth of July

By Abdulla (442)
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hi everybody , I would like to tell you about the 4th of July.

On Friday I want to Huntington beach with my friends to see the fire works and we went there at 3:00 pm. Also, we played volleyball on the beach and we ate a Hot dog so we sat at the beach waiting the show. After that, we start talking and remembering when we were in a High school in back home '' Dubai " until the fire works started and the show probably takes 32 minutes only but really it's good and we all like it and we enjoy the show after the show finished we try to go back to Riverside but we can't whole the streets are closed and there are a lot of people there in Huntington beach and all of them went to go out at the same time because the traffic and we wait maybe for an hour.Finally we came back from there and we are so tired.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Travel Experience in Las Vegas

By PHIL (Liu Heng-Yu) (441)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First of all, I want to share my travel experience with you. Because there have some information are very useful. I came to U.S. almost one year. Before, I studied in Ucla Extension. So, I have been to many different places with my friends. At this time, I want to introduce Las Vegas for you.

Las Vegas is a wonderful city in Nevada. There have many famous hotels. For example Mirage, Bellagio, Carsar, Venetain, Mandalay Bay, Luxor, and Treasure Island. These hotel have different show in the hotel, they also have great casino for you to gambling. Each hotel have varies feature to solicit many costumers. The place is fantasy and glorious. I have been to there for fifth times. Probably I want to achieve my dream win some money in the casino. Actually, it’s very difficult to win in gambling.

In Vegas, you have to do some things are necessary. For example, enjoy the show, there have some free show you could look at, and you have to go to casino to play poker or dice than you can make sun bath and play water in your hotel. Mandalay Bay have factitious wave, it’s very fun I recommend that. In Mirage hotel have Volcano show is free, and Belligio Hotel have water show and Treasure Island have pirate show. These show are free, you could enjoy these shows in different hotel.

Therefore, Las Vegas is luxury and dissipation city. When you arrive there you will be happy, just enjoy the relax time in your vacation. After that, when you leave in this place, you will see everything like a dream and disappear than you feel nothing, only memory you own. How fantasy life you own? That’s why I have been to there many times, for the reason is really fantasy. I am strongly recommended you ought to go at least one time in your life.

P.S. Hotel information and picture:
Treasure Island
Caesars Palace
Circus Circus
New York New York
Mandalay Bay

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Huntington Museum Trip

By CHEN (Ming-Yi Chen) (442)
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Last Saturday was a wonderful day because I went to the Huntington museum with my friends. This is my fist time to museum in the American. Before we went to the Huntington , my friends search about Huntington museum and how to go there. We don’t have G.P.S. We just search Google map and use Google map direction. It was amazing! When we arrived, we just drove almost one hour. It was easy to found the Huntington .

The Huntington is a private nonprofit collections based research and educational institution, founded in 1919 by Henry E. Huntington. This place was so bigger. There have different part. Fort example: Chinese Garden , Japanese Garden , American art, Library Exhibition Hall so many different kind. We spent a lot of time in the Huntington museum. We walked around the garden and took photo because too many beautiful view I want keep it. And the weather was so hatter I didn’t bring my hat and use sunscreen so I got sunburn. Lunch time, we didn’t bring and food to here and we don’t want to by lunch in there because everything is expensive. We just drank bottle water for lunch but is ok. In the dinner time, we will eat delicious food. Kind of like SHABU-SHABU I really excited about this.

Finally, We finish museum trip and went to the Jazz cat restaurant in the Monterey. The boss is Taiwanes so nice
I like this restaurant the food was delicious but the price a little expensive. Anyway the Huntington trip was so great and we talk about trip for next week. I hope so! It will so wonderful.

One Window House

By KOON (Ditdanai Sangkharom) (442)

One Window House
(read the complete article here)

Nowadays, House is most importance thing to human life. However, we don’t know how to design a house for convenience life style. This is website that who wants to see many kinds of architecture. For example, building, houses, museums, stadiums, landscapes and others. Are you planned to study a house? One window house is motivated you to study many kind of designer thing.

One window house placed in Venice, California. It is smart house in my opinion because they can maximize space, light, and natural surroundings in limit area. They used wood and steel framed wall to fabricate a house which are faster than brick wall, on the same way, it reduced the cost of construction. They design a house to be a solid style because easy to adjustable space and to provide the limit of sloping roof. They decided with large expanses of clear glass, polycarbonate, and corrugated metal panels. This is good for enhance your view.

Finally, this is convenience for house and home office. In addition, we must to install security system also.

Engineers travel to trip technology producer

By DAVID (Lee, Jin-seok) (441)

Engineers travel to trip technology producer
Chritian Vargas, staff writer

Four university students, UCR, are traveling to China this summer for experience.

China is very important place because so much of today's technology is being produced there ,and the rapidly growing Chinese economy will be major in the future throughout the world. On the trip, they will learn Chinese culture. They will be travelling to Tsinghua University in Beijing and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu City for six weeks from June 28 to August 10 spending three weeks at each university.

In addition, the students will also participate in the 2008 Olympic games.

They will learn global marketing and technology etc in China, so it will be helpful to UCR when they will return. I think that traveling other countries is very important in life because we can learn many things which we can't learn in our country. Although we get a hard time with many difficulties on the trip, we will be happy after trip because the difficulties make us better than before. Finally, they will participate 2008 Olympic games firsthand. I have never seen Olympic games firsthand. Therefore, if opportunity like that will come to me, i will never miss it.

My Skin Was Burned!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last sunday I was participated in Santamonica beach trip. I wanted I could have many time to playing, but It taked one hour and thirty minutes just go there!

By the way, we reached santamonica safely and I had some surprise experience.

There was so many stores and malls to shopping, just next to the beach. My country have stores too, but not so much like there. And There was too much wide sand of the seashore. So It was too hard to reach the seawater, but I could do because I'm Man.

By the way, I was playing with waves. when waves came to me, I swam to below of wave. It can avoid from fierce waves.
It was very funny!

After that, I went some restaurant and have some dinner with the meat of lamb. Cost $20... was expensive... But, It was terrible! Because of it's smells like a poultry farm's smells. I tryed to vomit in vain! I thought I throwed $20 away to trash can; After all, I came home. Just remaining things were terrible skin ache...

My Skin was Burned! And Still It bothers me ... T.T