By Masaya Fukumoto (441)
In America, I learned many things. Everything I watched and experienced is my first time and valuable. Also, I met the people that they came from several countries.
In my class, I met wonderful guys!! They are very funny and little crazy. During the class, some people always say jokes and everyone is laughing. I love it. Actually, I don't want to come back Japan. Because, I want talk with my classmates more.
I miss them. I know it is difficult to see them again. I hope we meet somewhere again.
Now, I'll talk about my plan. When I am back in Japan, I'll graduate from my university. I want to be the teacher like Reza. I'm serious. Not kidding. Also, I want to travel in all around the world. You may meet me in the other countries. If you come to Japan, just call me.
I love you. See you guys!!
sa yo na ra~~~~~~~
don't cry my baby!!!
good luck.
i want you to be perfect in your life.
byebye ~~~
masaya zzang !!!
Well I wish you too much succesfull life.
I know you will get your wishes come true, because you're so smart!
I also want to thank you the short time we talked in classes. And lets stay in contact!
I love you too!!
I'm very happy to have such a nice friend like you.
You can be a good teacher like Reza.
Thank you for your everything.
And May you be very happy!
I've gonna miss you.
Please keepin touch!
ohhhh masaya I will not miss you ... I think you know what I mean.. stay in touch .
I'm sorry, I don't love ypu...
just like you as friend...
I usually ask you "Where are you going?" your answer is that you are going to home for sleeping.
When you go back japan, reduce your sleeping time.. kk
and I hope so, you'll be teacher like Reza.
May God bless you.
I'll miss you.
Do you know that Korea and Japan are very close. Maybe we can meet.
If I go to Japan, I'll contact you. Bye Masaya chan.
I LOVE YOU!!!kkk i already miss you but i think we can meet again in japan! come to tokyo ok?MASAYA chan;)
Masaya, It was very nice to know you. I wish you so many succeses and all the best.
I'm going to miss you.
Please, don't forget me (although this is difficult)I am kidding!!!!, because I'd like to Know Japan.
Good luck!!!
So long our MASA...
I will not miss you,because I do not want to cry..
byebye!I hope you will beacome a good teacher like Reza.
You are a friendly boy.
If you want visit to China.just call me.
I will teach you chinese.hahaha
HIHI Masaya:
keep working to study english
It's really good for you
anyway enjoy your trip
Keep in touch with everybody.
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